Studying for you A-Levels is a lot of pressure and probably takes up much of your time. Do you have enough time to work a part time job?
It used to be very common for students in years 11, 12 and 13 to work a “Saturday” job as well as study full time for their exams. In 1997 43% of all 16 and 17 year olds were studying and working. By 2014 that figure had fallen to just 18%, as more full time students were choosing to focus entirely on their studies.
The benefits of getting a Saturday job on your future career prospects
Just because they have become less popular doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider getting a Saturday job. Mixing your studies with working a few hours a week could actually be beneficial for your long term career prospects.
For that crucial entry job after you have finished full time education (usually after University); employers are looking for candidates who are a ready for the world of work. Proving you have been able to hold down a part time job whilst studying is the best way to demonstrate this. A study by the UK Commission on Employment and Skills found that not doing a part time job whilst at school has been blamed by employers' organisations for young adults being ill prepared for full time employment.
Financial benefits
Nothing is more rewarding than earning your first pay cheque. Being more financially independent is a great feeling, with no more scrounging off your mum and dad. Buying something with money you have earned gives you a real sense of satisfaction.
Other benefits
Not only will you get paid you may also find you widen your social circle, making friends with people who attend a different school or college to you.
How do you juggle study and work?
The simple answer is by being organised. Most students who take on part time jobs tend to work 10 hours a week on average. It should be fairly easy to fit this into your weekly schedule. Think about how many hours a week you binge watch Netflix or spend on gaming. Some of this time could be more productively spent working. If you plan ahead you should be able to fit study around your working hours. The new recent changes to the A-Levels exams may actually help you as the amount of coursework in many subjects has been reduced, freeing up more of your time during year 12 and at the beginning of year 13.
As your exams approach you can always quit the part time job to give you more time for revision during those crucial last few months leading up to your A-Level exams.