Revision is never anyone’s favourite activity. It is therefore important to learn how to use your time to revise smartly. When it comes to revision quality is always better than quantity. Here are our top tips to help you revise.
1. Create a revision timetable – this will not only help you prioritise your revision activity, it will also ensure you don’t spend to much time on one subject or leave anything out. There are many ways to create a timetable, Revision World has a great free revision timetable maker. (link to
2. Revise actively – simply re-reading your notes will be a waste of your time unless you do something active as part of the process. Examples could include rewriting your notes to condense or simplify them. You could also draw mind maps or discuss the revision topics with friends.
3. Use past papers – They may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how few students use past papers to practice for their exams. Past papers can be easily found on the individual exam boards websites or using these links GCSE papers – A-Level Papers (link to or
4. Learn key words – examiners will award marks if the correct language is used. It is therefore important you learn as many key words as possible, spend time creating lists of key words and then get your friends or family to test you on them. This will ensure you are able to use the correct terms and allow you to express yourself clearly during the exam.
5. Ask for advice – don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for advice. As your course progresses they will become aware of your individual strengths and weaknesses. They should be able to help you identify what you need to work on and give you tips on how to tackle the complexities of the subject.
We all learn differently, spend some time identifying how you learn best and use this knowledge to formulate your own revision plan. Use your time wisely and seek advice throughout your course. Whatever you do don’t leave all your revision to your study leave period in the run up to your exams! Good luck.