So you’ve entered the sixth form and the un-sporty amongst you will be rejoicing that you no longer have to endure the dreaded PE lessons! However you know that if you do no exercise you will soon start pilling on the kilos. What should you do? Here’s our advice.
1. Join a gym, even if this is just at your school or college, you should ensure you do a couple of hours of exercise a week. By joining a gym you are making a commitment and even those that hated school sports may enjoy the freedom of the gym. It’s your own time so you can do the exercises that suit you, plus you have the added benefit for never being picked last for the team at the gym.
2. Try jogging regularly, if you start jogging in the mild autumn months of September and October you may find you actually enjoy the activity. Jogging is a great way to discover your neighbourhood, by mixing up your routes you can create routines to suit your mood.
3. Think about your diet. Most of us love fast food and eating it in moderation as part of a balanced diet can be enjoyable. The occasional takeaway is fine but takeaways every night should be avoided as should eating foods that are filled with sugar.
4. Look after you mental health, anxiety, depression and stress will be conditions all too familiar to many sixth formers. If you start to suffer from any of these conditions talk to your friends, family or even teachers. By seeking help early you will reduce the chances of the condition becoming worse.
5. Avoid drugs and alcohol, Ok so you are at the time of your life when you experiment with everything. It would be unrealistic to assume that you completely refrain from all activity. However do think about the long term harm certain products will do to your body.
6. Take up a team sport, OK this will only apply to sporty minded people, but if you do enjoy a sport, such as football, rugby, netball or cricket then do continue to play for your school or college team. If you don’t have a team in your school then look up a local club. This can be a great way to meet new friends.
Research has shown that students who exercise regularly throughout the year go on to achieve better grades in their exams. They also experience reduced stress and anxiety, so do make time for exercise as part of your routine. Your body is still growing so staying healthy is very important during your sixth form years, by staying in shape now you will find it easier to stay in shape later on in life.