Sixth form fashion - The essential items for guys

Sixth form fashion for guys

So you’re starting the sixth form, for the first time you get to wear what you like on a daily basis, for many guys this is actually more daunting than their new A-levels!

Many schools and some colleges still set limits on what you are allowed to wear. If you can get away with wearing hoodies and tracksuit bottoms go for it, but if not here is our useful guide of what to buy.

6 casual shirts – wear them on a rolling basis. By having 6 you can make sure that you don’t wear the same one on the same day of the week.

6 T-Shirts for the summer months (again rotated like the casual shirts).

1 smart shirt for formal occasions – you may also want to invest in a tie.

3 thin jumpers – for when the weather starts to turn cold in the Autumn or warm up in the spring, they can either be worn over a T-shirt or over one of your casual shirts.

2 thick jumpers for when the temperature falls and the schools boiler decides to go on strike.

3 pairs of Jeans – choose different shades so that it doesn’t look like you are wearing the same pair everyday.

2 pairs of trainers, to switch it up a bit.

1 pair of boots, ideal for the really cold days

1 pair of black smart shoes for when you need them.

1 suit – for school proms and award evenings, also very useful outside school for weddings funerals and job interviews.