Female Fashion essentials for sixth formers

Female Fashion essentials for sixth formers

Our guide to help you with your sixth form wardrobe choices.

Starting the sixth form or college is the first time many students get to decide what they wear – for fashionistas this is a fun and liberating experience for many others the freedom of choice is terrifying, but don’t worry Student Jungle is here to help!

Don’t panic! For the first couple of weeks everyone will wear their best clothes, then after a while they feel more comfortable and start to make clothing choices based on comfort rather than fashion.

First of all, check with your school or college to make sure you are aware of any items of clothing they don’t allow, some schools have a no trainers policy for example.

Here are our top wardrobe essentials for sixth formers.

1. Jeans, Jeans and more Jeans – Buy at least three pairs, different colours and fits so you can mix it up and wear them on different days with different tops.

2. At least 10 different tops – different colours and fits, if you are on a tight budget avoid distinctive colours or patterns so you can wear the same top a couple of times a week. Look out for tops you can layer – different layers equals different outfits.

3. Hoodies – the Autumn, winter and spring go to accessory to keep you warm and cosy. Rarely seen in sixth forms at the beginning of the term but appear quite rapidly as the weather turns colder.

4. Trainers, a couple of pairs worn on alternative days works well. Trainers are both practical and fashionable.

5. Boots, for when you want to change your look. Investing in a good pair of boots should not only last you while you are studying for you’re A-Levels but also well into your time at uni.

Remember you don’t have to wear a different outfit every day, you just need enough pieces in your wardrobe to be able to mix your clothes up so that you have a different look from the previous couple of days.